Monday, December 21, 2009

Grace @ Breakfast

This morning at breakfast, Olivia (my one year old) threw some stuff on the floor, and we asked Ella (my three year old) to help her pick it up. Ella responded in a firm voice, "Olivia made the mess so Olivia needs to clean it up!" Trying to keep from choking my 3 year old for being a stinker, and in an attempt to make the most of a teachable situation, I explained to Ella that this is what Jesus did and does for us. We make messes that we can't clean up and Jesus gives us grace, cleaning up the mess and giving us credit for it. I explained to Ella that this was her opportunity to show grace to her little sister and help clean up the mess, even though she did not make it.

So as she started to help clean up, she looks up at me and says, "Kinda how Jesus washed the disciples feet... right daddy?"

Oh Lord, thank you for the connection that was made in Ella's little heart as she showed grace this morning to her little sister and learned more about You. It is only by the work of the Spirit that these kinds of beauties are revealed in seemingly insignificant situations. I beg for more of it...
What a sweet reminder for me that in showing grace, I am not only modeling the character of God, but I am growing closer to Him as I learn more about Him.

3 John 4 "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth."

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