Monday, December 21, 2009

Grace @ Breakfast

This morning at breakfast, Olivia (my one year old) threw some stuff on the floor, and we asked Ella (my three year old) to help her pick it up. Ella responded in a firm voice, "Olivia made the mess so Olivia needs to clean it up!" Trying to keep from choking my 3 year old for being a stinker, and in an attempt to make the most of a teachable situation, I explained to Ella that this is what Jesus did and does for us. We make messes that we can't clean up and Jesus gives us grace, cleaning up the mess and giving us credit for it. I explained to Ella that this was her opportunity to show grace to her little sister and help clean up the mess, even though she did not make it.

So as she started to help clean up, she looks up at me and says, "Kinda how Jesus washed the disciples feet... right daddy?"

Oh Lord, thank you for the connection that was made in Ella's little heart as she showed grace this morning to her little sister and learned more about You. It is only by the work of the Spirit that these kinds of beauties are revealed in seemingly insignificant situations. I beg for more of it...
What a sweet reminder for me that in showing grace, I am not only modeling the character of God, but I am growing closer to Him as I learn more about Him.

3 John 4 "I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth."

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Linger Long O Sound of Mind

Linger long O sound of mind, as arrows fall from Him Divine
Tipped in love that pierces deep, dividing first, then bringing peace
Give not way to Diversion's game, let not the fog dissolve your frame
The fabulist his story tells, a simple carol clanging bells
Linger long and notice now, that which clearer eyes avow
Declaring more than once was there, with sharpened sense comes sweeter care
Your ears now glean a tone unheard, a quickened wit, new tastes preferred
A story aching to be told, a measure now your soul can hold
Linger long, see not in part, and leave behind bewildered hearts
See what's not, then sight is gained, then boldly pen the great refrain

Wednesday, August 19, 2009


I am so blown away when someone's words, or actions, or responses are timely. And that immediately takes me to the work of the Spirit. God has so many children, and each of them are dealing with different things, problems, concerns, achievements, mountain tops, valleys... And as each of us is working through these things, we have a tendency to think, "Why couldn't I have known that yesterday?" or "That information sure would have been useful a week ago!". But God is perfectly timely... in everything! There is not a moment where He chose to reveal something just a little too late. There is not a time where our life's circumstances catch Him off-guard, taking a nap. He is perfectly timely. And He loves us with a love that is lacking in absolutely nothing! Perfection.
And on top of that, His mercies are new every morning. I recently had some friends receive some seemingly horrible news that the children that they were going to adopt (twins), were no longer up for adoption because the birth mother changed her mind at the last minute. Our dear friends sat weeping in a freshly painted nursery. And as they were surrounded by those who were called to "weep with those who weep", I couldn't help but be overwhelmed at such abundant love from a heavenly Father that, though we did not know it, had given our dear friends an abundant measure of mercy that morning upon waking up. They had no idea what they would need to get through the day... they had no idea the hard news that they were to receive in the middle of the afternoon... an afternoon where they would possibly be going to pick up a little boy and girl. But God knew, and He perfectly equipped them for that day, before they even took their first borrowed breath. And while tending to His heart-broken sheep, not one of His other children is even remotely neglected. They too are receiving exactly what they need in God's perfect timing.
God, thank you for adopting us into your household, giving us a reason to live, waking us with mercies that are new every morning. Your timing is perfect...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Small Things... Like Red Stew

Read Genesis 25; Hebrews 12:12-17; Psalm 68:19-20; 85:9; & 96:2

I really wanted to end our Genesis study with a bang! Something really spectacular... And God has ordained it so that we are ending with the most menial, almost ridiculous story about two brothers, one a mama's boy and the other a hunter, delegating over red stew...
As we look at the details about each of the boys, Jacob and Esau, we are soon reminded that neither of them merited praise. If we try to figure out why one was worthy of grace and one was not, we see that Jacob's actions were shady and Esau's actions were carnal and hasty. Furthermore, the house is divided as mommy and daddy are playing favorites. None of them seems trustworthy. This is a reminder to us. So many times we look at these stories and say, "Be like this guy" or "don't be like that guy". Consider how many times you have heard someone say, "Noah was the only good one. Be like Noah." But in truth, Noah was wicked like the rest of them. God redeemed him from his wickedness. The point is that God is worthy of our trust, and no one else in all of history is worthy of this kind of dependence. This is important to us because of the number of people who "quit" church or "badmouth" church because of all of the sinners. There are so many who "fall away from faith" because of something that someone else did. And one main consistency throughout all of Scripture is that man is fallen! And he will (I will) fail you! And this is no reason to turn from God! Rather, it is all the more reason to cling to Christ and not put your hope in man.
The better question for us to ask is, "WHO IS WORTHY OF GRACE?" This question is humbling. It levels the playing field. It has been said that the ground at the foot of the cross is very level. Really, who is worthy of grace?

So as we see these two brothers debating over some red stew, it seems insignificant. Like the part of the story that is included, but not really significant to their lives. But what is revealed? Consider the birthright... For the first-born who inherits the birthright:
1.) He assumes the functions of the priesthood in the family. This includes rituals, offerings, distinguishing between holy and unholy, clean and unclean. Teach God's statutes. Act as judge. Make sure the family is rightly obeying the Lord.
2.) Double-portion of property
3.) Succeeds to the official authority of the father
4.) Authority over younger members of the household

So this is what Esau is despising. But what does this reveal about Esau's values? Consider the impact that one could have for the glory of God in a family if you were in charge of the way money and time were utilized. Consider how you could lead the family to God and clearly communicate His ways. Esau is showing that he does not value these things. And he does not value this generation or future generations. One commentator states, "True wisdom would undergo a thousand deaths than renounce a birthright."
What is happening here is that Esau's decision should have been affected by his birthright! His actions should have been informed and shaped by that blessing that comes through the Father. And so this is the way of those who are not guided by God's grace.
Interestingly, while Jacob's actions are certainly up for debate, one writer says, "Old Jacob was only finishing what he had started... pursuing the birthright." The birthright is important! However, Esau's actions on a seemingly insignificant afternoon, driven by a desire for "red stew", make it very clear that his actions were not being governed by his birthright.
We started off with the question, "Who is worthy of grace?" Now let us consider that no one excels another in virtue and obedience, but by the grace of God alone. When deprived of the Spirit, we revel only in the things physical and earthly.
"Let us learn, that they to whom God does not vouchsafe the grace of His Spirit, are carnal and brutal; and are so addicated to this fading life, that they think not of the spiritual kingdom... but them who God has undertaken to govern, are not so far entangled in the snares of the flesh as to prevent them from being intent upon their high vocation." -Calvin
Esau is guilty of despising something of great significance to obtain something of little significance. But the aim here for us is NOT just "don't be like Esau"... Rather it is, "Be governed by grace. Assess your actions and responses and make sure that you are not despising the great for the lacking."
In Hebrews 12, Esau is compared to those who are sexually immoral and unholy. At first this may seem puzzling. How could trading your birthright for some red stew be considered the same as sexual immorality? But a closer look reveals striking similarities. To be holy is to be set apart. Esau and the sexually immoral and the unholy are guilty of the same thing... giving way to the solicitations of the appetite, regardless of consequences... or to say it another way, they have treated something sacred with irreverence. This is the very definition of "profane". Esau had convinced himself that he was so hungry that he could die. And because he did not have a view for the glory of God in future generations, he said, "What good is this to me if I die?" And for a bowl of red stew, he revealed that he despised his birthright. And when he was done, he just got up and walked away... no repentance... And interestingly, like the sexually immoral, later on when he wants his blessing, he owns up to nothing, while blaming everybody else. He, like many others who are guilty of surrendering to the solicitations of the appetite, sets himself up as the victim.

*** Those born again have every spiritual blessing in Christ, who is the firstborn of all creation! And "red stew" comes in many different forms, in many seemingly insignificant scenarios.
It is in these seemingly insignificant situations, that we are able to show how much we value God's call on our lives. It is in the mundane details of a Tuesday afternoon, when you are tired and hungry, that you may best have the opportunity to show your family that you value your eternal inheritance, and you aim to be governed by the grace of God. Consider the following opportunities:
- The way you talk to your children.
- The way you spend your family time. (For those who have a full time job, you may get home around 6PM. If your kids go to bed at 9PM and you come home and watch an hour and a half of TV, you have wasted half of the quality time that you had for them for that day.)
- Your response when in despair.
- The way you spend your money.
- What you are willing to give up.
- Who you have over for dinner.
- What menial tasks you are willing to do.
Your created purpose is to put God's glory on display in EVERY singly, tiny, menial, insignificant aspect of your life. And when you do, God gets the glory, because you know that you are being governed by grace. "From the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks". (Luke 6:45)

I fear that sometimes we have a similar misconception that Esau has. He felt that his birthright was only important in this life. Sometimes we are guilty of viewing our salvation as only important in our death. As if salvation were something designed by God to affect us in the future, not now. If governed by grace, we will see that our salvation has everything to do with today and tomorrow. Consider this very small sampling...
Psalm 68:19-20 "Blessed be the Lord who daily bears us up; God is our salvation. Our God is a God of salvation, and to God, the Lord, belong deliverances from death." (His salvation is the direct reason that we are daily lifted from our depravity.)
Psalm 85:9 "Surely his salvation is near to those who fear him, that glory may dwell in our land." (We fear Him today, because of salvation. It is our birthright that makes it possible for His glory to dwell in our land today, because we are being governed by grace, and thereby, putting the glory of God on display for all to see.)
Psalm 96:2 "Sing to the Lord, bless His name; tell of His salvation from day to day." (From the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. A heart governed by grace results in a mouth that speaks of salvation every day.)

So you may say, "This is my aim, but what if I mess up? What if I give way to my appetite?" And this is our big, monumental conclusion! Repent and follow Jesus. We did not see this in Esau. He ate. He got up. He walked away. At that point there was a chance to repent. If your heart is governed by grace, you have that chance. Repent, follow Jesus, and always aim to be governed by the grace of God so that you glorify God in every aspect of your lives! Let every single decision be affected by your birthright.

Monday, May 18, 2009

The God of all can change it all...

Read 1 Peter 1:13; 4:7; 5:8, Genesis 25:21-34; Romans 14:5; Romans 9:6-16

A sober mind is of vast importance when engaging hard realities that you will most likely disagree with. It is of even more importance when the One with whom you are disagreeing is of superior rank and authority.
So today we will consider a question of devotion. Was Isaac more devoted to his desire for offspring, or was he more devoted to God? How can we assess his motives? His motive is seen in the sober-minded and self-controlled content of his prayers. It is necessary for us to asses and reflect on our prayers, always checking our motives. The reason is that GOD WILL MAKE DECISIONS THAT WE DON’T AGREE WITH.
Consider the passage. “…the Lord granted his prayer, and Rebekah his wife conceived. The children struggled within her…” God will always answer our prayers, but sometimes it will be in a way that reveals that our will is not the same as His.
At this point, one of two things will happen… 1.) You will conform your will to His and submit to His hand, showing that your devotion is to Him, over yourself. OR 2.) You will turn from God, because you disagree with His decision, showing that your devotion is to yourself, over Him. We have many examples today of God answering prayers in ways different than we desired… pregnancy with complications…sparing your life, but maybe not your legs… providing a job, but not your dream job… sparing your life, but not your child’s…
This is all very sobering. Throughout scripture, God reveals things about His design that are in direct opposition to the way we would have done things. Given the chance, we would have orchestrated it all very differently. But these revelations of who God is are reminders that WE ARE NOT GOD! And anytime we set out to “play god”, the result will be vain failure.
Rebekah, a first-time mommy, is in anguish. The children within her are struggling to the point of causing her to ask, “If it is going to be this way, what is the point of living?” And she is not being over-dramatic. The kind of physical, mental, and spiritual pain that she is feeling is very familiar to many of you. Some of you have even asked the same question…. “What is the point of living?” So Rebekah goes to the Lord for some comfort, and this is what God tells her to comfort her.
- I have placed 2 nations in your womb.
- They are fighting because of the way that I made them.
- They will be divided from birth.
- One will be stronger than the other.
- The older will serve the younger.
Does this sound comforting to anyone? In light of ultimate reality, it should be comforting. God is revealing that this seemingly horrible thing is not outside of His control, but rather it is by His doing. THIS IS HARD. Before either of these children are born, God is revealing that He has a very specific yet very different plan for each of them. This conflict, like the pregnancy itself, did not arise from natural causes. The God of nature has changed the order of nature. ARE WE OK WITH THIS? It is natural for a mom to say, “They are both my children, and I love them equally.” But God is saying, “I only love one of them. And I hate the other…”

One of the things that we do when we come across a hard passage like this is to treat it in very human terms. I remember the first time I heard this. I said, “Not my God! My God would NEVER do such a thing!” And a lot of times we will deem a passage “up for different interpretations”. Howard Hendrix, in his book “Living By The Book” makes a great point that in Scripture, there is only ONE right interpretation and many different applications. So if you and another have a disagreement about what something in the Scripture means, then “different interpretations” is no place to hang your hat. We should say, “someone is wrong, and it might be me… I am saying that I do disagree (whole-heartedly), but I am not necessarily saying that YOU are wrong…”
Romans 14 calls us to be fully convinced as to what we believe. FULLY CONVINCED! Have convictions! Do not be wishy-washy, tossed to and fro by every wave of doctrine. Know what you believe! But hold your convictions in humility. BOLD HUMILITY! John Piper makes a comment about the truth revealed in Romans 14… “Christ-honoring passions, Paul says, can unite us in spite of differences of application… different applications with an aim to honor the Lord.” Jerry Bridges in his book “Respectable Sins” says, “Doctrinal pride is the assumption that whatever my doctrinal beliefs are, they are correct, and anyone who holds another belief is theologically inferior.” 1 Corinthians 8 warns us not to let our knowledge puff us up. Realize that “many godly and theologically capable people hold other convictions.”
The point is that in the midst of our disagreements, we should not always aim to be “right”. We should aim to honor God by holding our convictions boldy, yet humbly, being reminded that neither ourselves nor those we disagree with are God! God is God. We are not.

So the God of nature has changed the order of nature, and even further restricted the blessing to not only the seed of Isaac, but now only one part of the seed of Jacob.
Read Romans 9:6-16.

To hear the Scriptures plainly spoken, and then say “Not my God! My God would never do that!”, is to be idolatrous. It is idolatry cloaked in righteousness. We act as though this could not be possible because our view of God is soooo high. In reality, it is the view of ourselves that is soooo high. We add to and take away from the aspects of God in the order that they accommodate our likes and dislikes. Therefore, what we are actually worshipping is an idol…God altered. Our “VIEW” of God can be an idol.
This should be sobering, because the only way to keep a right view of God is by His breathed out WORD. To worship your “view” of God is no different than worshipping Baal. It is not GOD! None of us can have a perfect view of God, but many of us should work out our salvation with MORE FEAR AND MORE TREMBLING. We should tremble before God if we come before Him saying, “search my heart and tell me if I am truly worshipping You or just my view of You.”

“That which you cannot understand is that which God can be.” (Hilary of Potiers)

I am broken-hearted by our inability to have different beliefs in the same faith. I am broken-hearted by a fractured “church-community” that is misrepresenting the truth about the oneness of God and the unity that we have as an undeserved gift in Christ. Calvin said, “How frivolous a thing it is to boast of knowledge, when love is wanting.”

I believe that God truly does the things that He has included in Genesis 25 and Romans 9; that He can change the order of nature; that He ordains the days of every life before they are lived; that He loves and even hates as He sees fit; that He saves some while leaving others to that which they deserve. Because of these beliefs I have been called un-evangelistic, lazy, and even hateful. But because of these beliefs I have been prone to frustration, impatience, and doctrinal pride. We must fight constantly against imbalance that promotes division and fosters a fractured community.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Being Careful About Growth...

Read Genesis 25, 1 Peter 4, and 1 Cor. 3:6-7

"The church is produced and increased by divine grace, and not merely by natural means..." (John Calvin). As we read about the lives of Abraham and Sarah, Isaac and Rebekah, we are studying the beginnings of the church. And what a great reminder that while their families did not grow by the natural order of things, it is the same with church today. God intervened with grace and opened the wombs and caused the growth. And no matter how hard they tried, and no matter how hard they prayed, Isaac and Rebekah could not make it happen...
1 Corinthians 3:6-7 states, "I [Paul] planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth." Ironically, this is all in a section of Scripture addressing division in the church. Here in Hunt County we live in a community with a higher per capita of churches than most of the world. But DIVISION IS NOT GROWTH! Division within the people of God is a misrepresentation of the truth about the oneness of God that we are called to put on display. Our numerous churches do not exist because many of them multiplied, but because there was division, in large part, over the opinions of man.
The way that a man plants and the way that a man waters does not make that man an authority on growth. But when we see growth in that man's church, oh how quickly we elevate the status of that man and invite him to our churches and conferences and BEG him to tell us how to grow. And often times there is a room full of people singing his praises, not God's. But that man is nothing! He only watered and planted, but God caused that growth! Whether you are planting and watering at a small church or a huge mega church, YOU ARE STILL NOTHING!
So growth will come in God's time and in God's measure. And our work of ministry will always seem largely inefficient, because we are nothing. But if we scatter seed and water as we are commanded, God will give the exact increase that He sees fit. But in the instance that we stop focusing on making disciples, and begin to focus on growth, we will be divided. Thus, we then lose out on the very thing we set out to achieve. Playing "god" will always result in vain failure. Do the work of ministry, make disciples, and show the world that there is no one like our God!
We must always be content with the size of our church, yet never content with a lack of discipleship (and this applies not only to the church as a whole, but every part of the church...children's ministry, youth ministry, sunday school classes, and families). So many pastors and even teachers have given up and left with the excuse "this church is just not growing." Rather than an excuse to leave, this is adversely a greater reason to stay and make disciples. This IS your calling.
So many committees have been formed to assess growth and critique growth and plan for future growth and even for firing pastors who have not brought about the expected growth! Consider what this produces... a bunch of pastors and ministers who focus on numbers and growth, thereby often times abandoning discipleship. This is a plague in youth ministries in particular... and there is an unspoken yet accepted approach that says, "if we just focus on growth, discipleship will just happen." But it is more the opposite. If we focus on discipleship, growth will happen at the rate that God sees fit. Even at Pentecost, which so many try to reproduce weekly, the focus was on making disciples, and God gave the growth that He saw fit at that time.
Another problem with focusing on growth instead of discipleship is that we begin to define success by numbers. Again, this promotes division in the church, because the "big" churches are run by "successful" pastors, only to leave all of the "small" churches to be run by what appears to be "unsuccessful failures". So, as a pastor, if your aim is success, you will make use of the man-made corporate ladder of vocational ministry. And as a Bible study leader you will proudly stand before a large class, while feeling like the small class is simply a waste of time. So all gifted musicians, able preachers, and competent teachers will feel like they deserve a bigger stage. And often times they will proudly fill that spot on that big stage, all the while abandoning the call to make disciples.
So as we look back at Genesis 25, we must ask, "Is our standard for greatness and success, God's standard?" Abraham was 100 when Isaac was born. Isaac was 60 when Rebekah conceived. If we define greatness and success by numbers, then we are deeming our God highly unsuccessful in ministry, with only 2 new lives in 160 years!
To ask a "successful pastor of a big church" how to grow a church is like asking Isaac how to form a baby in the womb! The answer should be, "I don't know! God causes the growth! You do what God calls you to do and, if He sees fit, He will cause the necessary growth!"
To walk away from your church because it is "not growing" would be like Isaac walking away from Rebekah for "not bearing".
To cease from discipleship is to eliminate the possibility of God-honoring growth. In the same way, if dismayed by the circumstances, Isaac and Rebekah were to stop trying to conceive, they would thereby eliminate the possibility of offspring.

Isaiah 46 says that God will accomplish all His it through you or another who is faithful to the command. So the encouragement is to persevere. If you are speaking the Word to your family and others, and then coming back and watering that seed with reminders...making the most of every teachable moment...then you are doing the work of ministry. And there is great rejoicing because God is glorified! Growth is not a bad thing! In fact growth is a GREAT THING! It is just NOT our business. We must not set out to "play god". We must submit to His command, not relying on the wisdom of man, but the power of God for that growth. You will have hard days. You will have hard weeks, months, and even years. As you sit with your family, making disciples, and as you talk with co-workers, friends, and even strangers, the work of ministry will be seemingly insignificant and largely inefficient. But let your inefficiency as NOTHING fuel your dependence on the ONE TRUE GOD WHO IS EVERYTHING!

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Genesis 25 - Abundant Blessings & The Need For A Sober Mind

Read Genesis 25, Ephesians 1, 1 Peter 1 & Philippians 3:12-4:1

There are a lot of "big events" that take place in the 25th chapter of Genesis. Abraham dies. Isaac and Ishmael come together to bury their father. Isaac inherits everything and he and Rebekah have twins. A lot of really important events in a short section of Scripture...
These "big events" are in large part fulfilled promises from God from Genesis 17. Anytime you see God fulfill a promise, you should rejoice! Why? Because God ALWAYS KEEPS HIS PROMISES! This week we spent some time rejoicing in v.5 "Abraham gave all he had to Isaac." This inheritance was promised by God through Abraham to Isaac. We are reminded of the promises that we have in Christ and how great it is that God keeps His promises. Ephesians 1:3-14 paints a beautiful picture of this beautiful and ABUNDANT blessing! We are not given "some" spiritual blessing, but EVERY spiritual blessing; we were not an afterthought, but were chosen before the world was formed; not just excused from our sin, but made holy and blameless before God, through Christ; not just welcomed, but ADOPTED through Christ and blessed in the beloved. We have redemption through His blood, forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace, which He did not just place upon us, but that He LAVISHED upon us! 1 Peter 1:3-19 reminds us that our inheritance is imperishable, undefiled, unfading, and kept in heaven for us, who by God's power are being guarded through faith for a salvation ready to be revealed. Consider, your most valued possession on earth, no matter how nice and well-made it is, it is still perishable, defiled, and fading...and if it makes it to the last day, it will still burn up because it is flammable. You brought nothing into this world and you can take nothing with you. Your only true treasure is that which existed for you in Christ from before the world was formed. And that treasure is an ABUNDANT INHERITANCE!
The problem is that in the calamity of life, we forget how precious our treasure is. This is why we need to be sober-minded. True joy is not just the absence of conflict. There will always be conflict. But setting our minds and eyes on the things above and never losing sight of our God-given treasure will sustain us through the hardest storms. Interestingly, both Paul and Peter, after communicating a clear picture of their beautiful and abundant inheritance, urge the people to be sober minded. Paul prays that their eyes would be opened (Eph. 1:15-21) so that in the midst of THIS, we would not lose sight of THAT! Peter urges his hearers to "prepare their minds for action, be sober-minded! don't be conformed to your former ignorance! Conduct yourselves with fear throughout the time of your exile! Your inheritance is great! Don't lose sight of it!"
A look at 1 Peter 1:6-7 shows us that we are to REJOICE in the inheritance and blessing, WHILE we are grieved by trials and testing. In the midst of calamity, those in Christ who have the promised inheritance are the ones whose faithful responses result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Christ. And if you don't praise Him now, you will not praise Him then. Those eternally separated from God will not be crying out for another chance. But for all of eternity they will hate Him as they hated Him on earth.
To rejoice while you are grieved is to take up your cross and bear it. Jeremiah Burroughs states, "Christ does not say, 'do not count as a cross what is a cross'; He says, 'Take up your cross daily.'" What this means is that we don't have to pretend like our crosses are flowers or rainbows or anything more pleasant than a cross. It is ok for us to have a due sense of our affliction. But, "TAKE UP YOUR CROSS" and save your life. Refuse and lose your life. But REJOICE ALWAYS...AGAIN I SAY REJOICE.
So in Genesis we have seen Abraham drawn out of the world and blessed abundantly. He has gone on a walk with the CREATOR who hung the stars, and that CREATOR pointed to the stars that He hung and said, "that's how much I am going to bless you." Abraham was given livestock, riches, servants, and power. He knows that his offspring will be blessed FOREVER! His wife's barren womb was opened by the loving hand of God, and in their old age they had laughter. This was announced by Jesus who came and had lunch with Abraham in his tent! And it was through the seed of Abraham that our Savior Jesus Christ came into the world! It was through this seed that the head of the serpent was crushed! Abraham indeed lived a life of ABUNDANT BLESSING!
But we must see that this abundant blessing did not result in a "charmed" life. It did not result in the absence of conlict. This abundant blessing came in a very different way. Consider...
- Abraham's father was a Babylonian idolater
- Out of fear for his life, Abraham made a bad decision to whore out his wife to Pharaoh
- He had to go to war to save his bonehead, freeloading nephew
- His wife was barren, unable to have children
- He had an affair with Hagar, producing an illegitimate child named Ishamel, creating horrible tension within his house that exists to this day in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
- He was circumcised at the age of 99 (ouch)
- His wife laughed at God and MOCKED Him
- He whored his wife out again to Abimilech, in fear of his life
- He had to send his son, Ishmael, away and this caused him great sorrow
- He was tested by God and told to offer his only son Isaac as a burnt offering
- He actually stood over his bound son with a knife, ready to obey God
- His wife died
- He had to pay an exorbitant price just to bury her
- He had to arrange for his son to be married at the age of 40
- And finally, in chapter 25 Abraham, though great by the hands of God, is unable to escape the common lot of men...and he dies.
But, maybe it was just rough for Abraham because he had to get the ball rolling on this whole blessing thing... So let's then look at what happens to his abundantly blessed son who receives ALL that Abraham had...
- First, he has to bury his father
- The result is an uncomfortable confrontation with his half brother who hates him
- Then his wife is barren for TWENTY YEARS
- And when she finally conceives, the children struggle within her, causing anguish physically, mentally, and spiritually
And all of this calamity was upon the lives of some of the most abundantly blessed people to ever walk the earth.

So how quickly do we become weary? Are we content with God's blessings and abundant provision, even when our faith is tested? Would we have continued in prayer after being unable to have a baby for two decades? Would our bonehead family members push us over the edge? Do we expect charmed lives because of our eternal blessing?
Burroughs states... "We should prize duty more highly than to be distracted by every trivial occasion... [for the believer] the authority of the command so overawes his heart that he is willing to spend himself and to be spent in discharging it." I encourage you to consider those things in your life that run the risk of keeping you from rejoicing. And I encourage you to respond to those things in a sober-minded manner, never losing sight of your inheritance, constantly rejoicing through your grief.
We indeed are abundantly blessed.

Genesis 24 - Conclusion

Read 1 Corinthians 2, Ephesians 5:31-32, John 6:38, Luke 22:42, Titus 2, & Hebrews 8 & 9

What happens when something or someone is misrepresented? You don't actually get a true picture of that thing or that person. What we have considered in this study is that marriage is a worldly shadow of a heavenly reality. As it is designed by God, it is to represent what God designed it to represent. Marriage is not an end in itself. The goal is not just to get married, stay married, and die. Although, in our culture that is still rare. We are designed by God to live within an order and structure that represents the New Covenant. Ephesians 5 tells us to leave and cleave. Christ modeled this for us as He left the Father and cleaves to the Church. And the cleaving is not temporal. As you sit with your spouse and cleave, the only way that you could ever have any right to leave is if Christ abandons His bride...the church. To say it another way... As long as Christ cleaves to His bride, you cleave to yours. Why? Because if you don't, you are misrepresenting the unbreakable covenant-keeping love that Christ has for His bride.
In John 6:38, Jesus says, "For I have come down from heaven, not to do my own will but the will of Him who sent me." So if husbands are to love their wives as Christ loved the church they must die to themselves and die to their own will, and submit, like Christ, to the will of the Father. And the will of the Father is that you sacrifice your selfishness for the well-being of your bride, not because she has earned it or deserves it, but because GOD TELLS YOU TO...and why did He tell you to? Because you are representing the "groom part" of HIS COVENANT LOVE! Consider. if I was to ask you why you love your wife, would you have anything more to say than, "Well, she does this and says that..."? Would any part of your answer be that God tells you to... that it is the will of the Father for you to love her? If not, I would submit that you are not loving your wife in the robust manner by which you were designed... because a robust love represents the New Covenant! And the world is watching...
So if someone asks me, "why do you love your wife", a good answer would be, "because God tells me to. God modeled this love in the New Covenant that exists in Christ, so just like Christ loves the church by the will of the Father, I will love my bride, by the will of the Father."
Wives, in Titus 2 you are called to be trained to love your husband and children. This goes far beyond loving them just because your Husband stirred your emotions or your child said something sweet and smiled at you. And why? Because you are representing the "bride part" of the New Covenant love. Ravi Zacharias states "The will is that faculty which can only be tested when pain is as much a part of its choice as pleasure is... Nothing brings harmony more than embracing the will of God. Nothing brings fragmentation more than turning away from the will of God. Marriage is the harmony of God synchronizing two wills with the will of the Father." There will be times when we have to choose pain, just like Christ did. If not, it is those times that we will run away.
As Christ embraced the will of the Father, He ushered in a NEW COVENANT. As you embrace the will of the Father, you are representing that New Covenant. In Matthew 22, God reminds us that marriage on earth is temporal, and when you die it is over. So death separates you from the love of your spouse. But in Romans 8, we are reminded ("we" being the bride of Christ)... "Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or the sword? No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through HIM WHO LOVED US". So love between a husband and a wife is separated by death, but NOT EVEN DEATH can separate us (the BRIDE) from the love of Christ. So our aim is to love in such a way that we are able to communicate that hidden and secret wisdom of God. Our aim is to rightly represent in our spark and shadow of a life, the eternal,, beautiful, rich truth that the love of Christ is FOREVER!!! From our marriages, from our community of faith, our church, in the midst of our conflicts, on the mountain tops, and in the deep valleys, we want to cry out to a lost and dying world and boldly proclaim, "The love of Christ is forever! He will never forsake you! RUN TO HIM!!!"

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Genesis 24 - Love, Marriage, Family...

In our sixth week in Genesis 24 we have considered God's design for marriage, the family, and how to love. We have been reminded that marriage is not a creation of culture. It is a divine design by God to accomplish the purpose of putting His glory on display by creating man and woman in His image, commanding them to be fruitful and multiply, thereby filling the earth with his glory. Psalm 127 reminds us that "Unless the Lord builds the house, those who build it labor in vain." This begs us to ask the question, "Are we letting the Lord build our houses and homes? Are we submitting to His design as the Master Builder?" If not, then we are apparently building in vain. In Genesis 24 we see God fulfilling the promise to make Abraham's name great. One of the means He is using is this arranged marriage between Isaac and Rebekah. God has brought them together and is continuing to build their house, SO THAT they may point others to God and proclaim HIS GREATNESS.
So what happens if we don't submit to Gods design and allow him to build our homes? Exodus 34 says that in turning from God, we, a covenant people, may in fact make a covenant with the culture. And as we covenant with the culture they will invite us to come and "WHORE" after their gods with them. And as we do, we will marry our sons and daughters off to their sons and daughters and they will follow suit, whoring after the gods of the spouses that they have been unequally yoked to. The strong language in this passage reminds us of the sobering and terrifying reality of what happens when we shelve God's design and make a covenant with the culture. We are supposed to be a reflection of God to the culture, not of the culture back to God.
Seeing these two very different pictures, it is easy to conclude that it is of HUGE IMPORTANCE that we care about our marriages and families flourishing. So we must ask, how do we flourish? What is God's design that we might submit to so that our homes are being built by Him in faith, rather than us in vanity? What kind of love is it that builds a home faithfully?
Ephesians 5 commands husbands to "love their wives as Christ loved the Church and gave Himself up for her". Has the church, the bride of Christ, ever merited the love of Christ? Is there anything that we could do to earn it? Or is Christ's will to love us greater than our lovability? And Titus 2 explains that in a church, where there is a right order of things, that "older women are to train younger women to love their husband and children". Have you ever considered that within the community of faith, you could be trained... by another sinner... to love your husband and children? Husbands, are you eager to have your wife connect with an older woman so that she might be trained to love you and the kids? TRAINING is a picture of something you do when you want to be pushed beyond your natural ability. Good training usually involves a good amount of sacrifice and pain and being broken down so that you may come back stronger. To keep at it, there must be a will to do so, because your emotions will tell you it is just too much.
Ravi Zacharias, author of "I Isaac take thee Rebekah" states, "Love is as much a question of the will as it is the emotion. And if you will to love somebody, you can." That may be one of the most UNCULTURAL quotes that I have ever shared. It is not cultural to will to love someone. Culture says that if it takes work to love, then it probably isn't love. Culture says that it is supposed to be easy because the two in the relationship are "just soooo lovable". I would add that there obviously has to be a balance of the emotion and the will. But I would also offer that your emotion and passion will be limited by your will to love. If your will to love is great, passion will likely be great. A will to love will rightly inform passion and the emotions.
In both Ephesians 5 and Titus 2 we see an intersection between marriage and church. Marriage, Church, and Family are not separate spheres of life. They have everything to do with each other. Our standard for love within marriage is the example Christ set in loving the church. It is within the church, the community of believing covenant people, that our love is tested and tried and informed and trained.
This week, we will continue to look at this relationship between marriage, family and the church, and we will consider that as the church has become less about the family and more about the individual, marriage has followed suit. One indicator that we will consider is how similar the language is between the unhappy individualistic spouse, and the unhappy individualistic church member... "You are not making me happy, so I am going to go and look elsewhere..." This selfish, individualistic approach to marriage and to church is so damaging. If we submit to God's design, the will to love will keep us from parting ways over a difference of opinion, while holding high the value of TRUTH as it is revealed by God.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Love then Marriage...or is it Vice Versa??? (Gen. 24)

In the last few verses of Genesis 24, we engage something that is completely foreign to us. In fact, it doesn't even seem sensible, logical, or appropriate. Isaac is introduced to his wife, Rebekah...they have never met, and have only known each other for a few short moments, and the result is the consummation of marriage with physical intimacy and LOVE...REAL LOVE!
This scenario presents us with some obvious questions about the very "uncultural" way they came together, given our dating and marriage climate in America in 2009.
We considered 4 particular things...1.) Arranged Marriage 2.) Dowry 3.) Bride-Price 4.) Polygamy...As we considered these things we realized that our view of each of them is not true to their original form. Our view is birthed from our current knowledge of the perverted form, not the original form of these things.
We have to be careful, because we are not giving full-fledged approval to any one of these things, especially since they are so different from their original forms. However, in going back to what they were at the onset, we gain insight into a theme that runs through the heart of each of them. A divine theme. This theme is FAMILY!!!
In short, an arranged marriage was a mother and father going to the necessary lengths to ensure that the continued growth of the FAMILY is not wicked and unequally yoked. Dowry and Bride Price were a means by which each FAMILY was taken care of while future generations were kept in view. Polygamy, in short...more mommies mean more babies and a bigger FAMILY.
This view of the family, in each of these situations, has been lost due to fallen man using each of these things as a means to making his own name great. But we know from Genesis, that God made Abraham's name great. And one of the means that God used to do so is this arranged marriage.
Today, marriage is less about the family and more about the individual. You don't often hear a young man or woman say to their parents, "Can you help me find the right one?" Rather, we often hear, "This is who I love! And if you don't like it, then you will have to make the decision if you want to be a part of our lives or not!" In our culture if a parent tries to give their opinion about who their son or daughter should marry, that parent is quickly considered to be meddling and over-bearing.
We must remember that marriage and family are God's design. They are not cultural. The only reason that any culture has marriage and family is because God made it that way. And marriage, families, and the church have everything to do with each other! Husbands are called to love their wives as Christ loved the church. Wives are called to submit to their husbands as the church submits to Christ. Young men are called to treat older men as fathers, older women as mothers, younger men as brothers, and younger women as sisters. And older women are called to train younger women to love their husbands! Again, marriage, family, and the church have EVERYTHING to do with each other.
Sadly, as the church has become less about the family and more about the individual, marriage has followed suit. Divorce rates are at an all-time high, and the only reason we have seen any decline is because of a new trend where people act like they are married without actually marrying. Currently, 40% of all children are born out of wed-lock. These, and many other realities, point to the overall state of the family being less healthy and not flourishing as they were designed to do.
Next week we will consider why we should care if the family flourishes or not. And we will look at what it means to flourish a God-glorifying and God-honoring way. Looking forward to it...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A Silhouette of Camels (Genesis 24)

In our last study in Genesis 24, we ended with Isaac seeing a silhouette of camels in the distance. And those camels meant one thing! His wife had arrived!
Before getting to this point we have had a long chapter of divinely ordered events. Abraham sends out Eliezer, the head servant of the house, to find a wife for Isaac among his kindred in his homeland. Eliezer sets off on his 450 mile journey and we see a beautiful display of quiet diligence...a servant who does not get entangled in civilian pursuits but is insistent on sticking to his orders...a servant who is all about pleasing his master and trusting God. Upon arrival he prays to God for a sign, and before He is done praying, BEHOLD! Rebekah enters the picture. This was a beautiful reminder to us that God knows our deepest needs before we voice them. And as the story continues, a three-part theme forms that is good for us to consider. Eliezer (1) pays attention to the details, (2) worships God in the midst of the details, and (3) then shares the details with others so that they can worship God in a like manner.
As good servants of God, we can learn from this. The heart of the worshipper is to glorify God in all things. Worship is a response to God revealing Himself to us. If we do not pay attention to the details, there is no fuel for our worship. There is nothing to proclaim. One of the simplest forms of worship is recounting... saying "Wow! God did _______". But if we do not pay attention to the details, we have nothing with which to fill in the blank. And we have nothing to share with others so that they might worship God in a like manner. Psalm 9:1 "I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will recount all of your wonderful deeds." Whole-heartedness in worship is directly linked to recounting His deeds! These deeds are the very treasure that we are to pass on to our children. It is paying attention to these details and sharing them that there is any true heritage to be cherished.

Through the end of the chapter we continue to see Eliezer use sober-minded judgment as he shares and interacts. Upon arriving back home, he sticks to the original theme as he tells Isaac "all the things that he had done." We have a 67 verse chapter that reiterates and repeats the same details again and again. Let us not look them over quickly, missing what God has done. At the end of this chapter, God has brought two people together who have never met. Two people that have lived hundreds of miles apart. Two people who would be GOD'S HERITAGE FOR HIS PEOPLE! And they meet and LOVE each other. Real LOVE after only a few moments of knowing each other! How can this be?
This week we will begin to look at the last 2 verses of chapter 24 and consider how true, lasting, enduring love could possibly exist in such a short amount of time. We will also consider what this marriage has to do with the church.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Funny Responses...

My oldest daughter Ella has some of the funniest responses to comments that I make or questions that I ask. Sometimes she will misuse words and it just turns out funny. People keep saying that I should write these things because one day I will read them and laugh... So here is my first attempt to begin a record of these things...

Daddy: "Ella, come here so that I can wipe your hands off."
Ella: "No Daddy, I want to keep them on..."

Saturday, January 3, 2009


It would appear from the CF website that my blog has gathered some cobwebs...not sure how long the cobwebs have been there, but they are there:) So, what better time to start back to the blogging than at the beginning of the new year. I hope that everyone has had a great year. My wife and I were talking about how excited we are about the upcoming year. I have a brother who is getting married, there are lots of ministry opportunities, and probably most "oddly" of all, we realized that by next Christmas Olivia, our youngest daughter, will likely be walking and talking... very crazy.
We have had a wonderful, wonderful Christmas break. We got some good rest and some projects done around the house. Most of all, I had some really great...and much needed time with my wife and two little girls. I would love to hear how your time off was, and what you guys are looking forward to in the coming year..... :) And hopefully the website "troll" will find it in his heart to remove the cobwebs...haha....