Thursday, October 11, 2007

Genesis 3 - The Devil Made Me Do It Pt. 3

Read Genesis 3. Consider the consequences of our sin.

Part of the consequences of our sin is that enmity now exists between the children of God and the children of the Enemy. Everybody falls into 1 of those 2 categories. But our problem/blessing is that we do not ultimately know who's who. Because of this the children of God should focus on Christ and be prepared to make a defense for the reason that we believe what we believe. (1 Peter 3:8-17). When opposition arises, prepared people don't run. Rather, they stand firm while humbly, gently, respectfully defending their Hope. We are not called to arrogantly rip someone's head off who believes differently, and then high-five each other.
Another consequence is that we now have the ability to decide for ourselves what is right and wrong. But that doesn't mean that we have the ability to make good decisions. And it definitely doesn't make us God. Instead, this ability causes us to cling to God, knowing that we will otherwise make decisions like fallen fools. I encourage you to believe God's words that He breathed through James. When you lack wisdom in your decision making, ask God who gives generously and without reproach. God is not disappointed that you don't already have the wisdom that you need. He is disappointed if you fail to go to Him for the wisdom that you need. This wisdom from above will result in purity and fruitfulness (James 3) that is pleasing and glorifying to God.

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