As we consider the “headship” of a husband and the “submission” of a wife, we must understand that the goal is a people who are an acceptable offering to God. In Romans 15:16, Paul explains that a goal of his ministry is that the Gentiles are an acceptable offering to God. Isaiah 66:20 prophesies a people from every nation brought “as an offering to the Lord”.
The relationship between a husband and wife is a profound mystery that refers to the relationship between Christ and the church. We should behold this mystery and follow the guidance given to us in the Scriptures. If a man will love his wife rightly, he will love her as Christ loved the church, not as a disrespectful ogre who barks orders and belittles. The difference is huge! He will give himself up for her daily. Yes, he should be willing to doe for her, but more practically, he should be willing to live each day working hard to provide physical and spiritual health. His goal should be her holiness and beauty as he speaks the Word of God into her life daily. And if he love her and leads her in Christ-likeness, it will not be so hard for her to submit. She will gratefully accept and welcome such tender and unselfish care.
God’s design is never chauvinistic or belittling. It is actually quite beautiful. John Stott explains this process appropriately… “So husbands and wives should not expect to discover harmony without conflict; they have to work at building a relationship of love, respect, and truth…Now to lose oneself that the other may find his or her self – that is the essence of the Gospel of Christ.”
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Monday, November 12, 2007
Biblical Knowledge, Manhood, & Womanhood
Read Genesis 3 & Ephesians 5
In the ministry, I often get the privilege of meeting with people who are going through hard seasons. I call it a privilege because I get to offer hope in Christ. I always want to meet with the husband AND wife. 90% of the time, if someone shows up in need of help, it is the woman and children. Men can be very prideful and cowardly. So, as often as I can, I want to meet with both of them. Over time I have observed some things that seem to happen in almost every meeting.
The first observation is that every man tells me, emphatically, that he is a good daddy, a good husband, and a hard worker…and it is not his fault that things are the way they are…just a run of “bad luck”.
The second observation takes place when I read Scripture out loud. Almost without fail, the man will fold his arms and lean back in his chair while the woman leans forward hanging on every word. Do you know why she does this? Because she is EAGER TO BE LEAD!
She desires to be lead because God made her that way. God also made man to feel the weight of leadership. But man will often try to trust his own mind in making decisions about what is right and wrong, harmful and helpful. Proverbs 28:26 says, “Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered”. To walk in wisdom is to ask God who gives generously and without reproach. To walk in wisdom is to cling to Christ. And as we walk, we trust God to deliver us from the many mistakes we make in our thoughts and decisions.
In the ministry, I often get the privilege of meeting with people who are going through hard seasons. I call it a privilege because I get to offer hope in Christ. I always want to meet with the husband AND wife. 90% of the time, if someone shows up in need of help, it is the woman and children. Men can be very prideful and cowardly. So, as often as I can, I want to meet with both of them. Over time I have observed some things that seem to happen in almost every meeting.
The first observation is that every man tells me, emphatically, that he is a good daddy, a good husband, and a hard worker…and it is not his fault that things are the way they are…just a run of “bad luck”.
The second observation takes place when I read Scripture out loud. Almost without fail, the man will fold his arms and lean back in his chair while the woman leans forward hanging on every word. Do you know why she does this? Because she is EAGER TO BE LEAD!
She desires to be lead because God made her that way. God also made man to feel the weight of leadership. But man will often try to trust his own mind in making decisions about what is right and wrong, harmful and helpful. Proverbs 28:26 says, “Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered”. To walk in wisdom is to ask God who gives generously and without reproach. To walk in wisdom is to cling to Christ. And as we walk, we trust God to deliver us from the many mistakes we make in our thoughts and decisions.
Monday, October 29, 2007
The Oatmeal Feast
I will admit up front that this blog entry is a bit cheesier than normal. BUT, I have an 18 and a half-month-old daughter who is adorable, so every now and then I think I have the right to be a little cheesy.
Every morning my daughter feasts on a bowl of oatmeal. She LOVES it. As she was eating this morning, I noticed her progress on how she has gotten so much more able to feed herself. And it brought to mind how we are to feast on the Scriptures. It used to be that she would just sit there while we fed her. Then she would begin to use her hands to feed herself, while we fed her with a spoon…which was a little bit messy. Then she got to a point where she could use the spoon if we helped her. Now she will use the spoon by herself while we sit and watch her, amazed at how fast she has grown up. And in the last few weeks, she has shown another sign of maturity. When she has gotten all that she can out of the bowl of oatmeal, but realizes there is more to feast on, she looks up with her cute little brown eyes, and in the sweetest voice you can imagine, she says, “Help please…” which sounds more like “Hewp pwease…”
What a great reminder that as we feast on the Word, we should be progressing! We should be getting better at our abilities to make connections and use different tools. And just like we had to teach our daughter at first, so we must be mindful that it is God who opens our eyes to see the wonderful things of HIS law. And when we have gone as far as we can in our own studies, but realize there is more to feast on, we should not let pride keep us from saying, “Help.”
I love being a daddy…
Every morning my daughter feasts on a bowl of oatmeal. She LOVES it. As she was eating this morning, I noticed her progress on how she has gotten so much more able to feed herself. And it brought to mind how we are to feast on the Scriptures. It used to be that she would just sit there while we fed her. Then she would begin to use her hands to feed herself, while we fed her with a spoon…which was a little bit messy. Then she got to a point where she could use the spoon if we helped her. Now she will use the spoon by herself while we sit and watch her, amazed at how fast she has grown up. And in the last few weeks, she has shown another sign of maturity. When she has gotten all that she can out of the bowl of oatmeal, but realizes there is more to feast on, she looks up with her cute little brown eyes, and in the sweetest voice you can imagine, she says, “Help please…” which sounds more like “Hewp pwease…”
What a great reminder that as we feast on the Word, we should be progressing! We should be getting better at our abilities to make connections and use different tools. And just like we had to teach our daughter at first, so we must be mindful that it is God who opens our eyes to see the wonderful things of HIS law. And when we have gone as far as we can in our own studies, but realize there is more to feast on, we should not let pride keep us from saying, “Help.”
I love being a daddy…
Friday, October 19, 2007
Revelation 18 - "Come out of her, my people..."
Read Revelation 18.
This last week I had the privilege of teaching both the youth and the adults on Wednesday Night. We took a look at God’s “Redemptive History”. That is a phrase I heard a lot growing up, but never really understood what it meant. I think that a good definition is “the history of God redeeming a people, for Himself, by calling them out of unrighteousness and making them righteous”. The result is a redemptive pattern…which we looked at by comparing the Exodus plagues with the Revelation imagery of God’s 7 Bowls of Wrath being poured out. There are SO MANY amazing parallels, by which God seems to communicate to His people, “I am drawing you out.” “Come out of her, my people”.
In my preparation for this lesson I ran across something that I am almost embarrassed to admit I have always overlooked. Moses’ name in the Hebrew means “draw out”!!! How in the world, in all of my studies, in all of my teaching, did I not pay attention to how huge that was?! As I considered this I began to see this redemptive pattern in Moses’ life that is indicative of the same pattern seen in the lives of all of God’s children.
Moses was…by the hand of God…
- Born to a Levite woman under Egyptian oppression and ordered to be killed. GOD DREW HIM OUT.
- And as a baby he was placed into a basket and put into a river. GOD DREW HIM OUT.
- At which point he was given the name Moses’. Which means DRAW OUT.
- Moses was placed into the Egyptian family! GOD DREW HIM OUT.
- And as God dealt with Israel and Moses, He remembered His covenant with Abraham. Abraham and his wife Sarah were older than dirt, unable to “father many nations”. And as they were laughing about the idea of it GOD DREW THEM OUT and blessed them with a child, Isaac.
- Who was later ordered to be sacrificed (that is killed) but, you guessed it. GOD DREW HIM OUT.
But getting back to Moses…
- After being drawn out of the Egyptian family, Moses was appointed by God, from a bush that wouldn’t burn, to take the lead as GOD DREW ISRAEL OUT OF THE OPPRESSION FROM EGYPT.
- So then came the horrible plagues, at which time the Israelites are DRAWN OUT BY GOD TO THE LAND OF GOSHEN.
- And not only the Israelite people, but even their livestock are DRAWN OUT BY GOD FROM AMONG THE LIVESTOCK OF EGYPT.
- And at the final plague of the Passover, when the angel of death will wipe out each of the first born, the sacrificed blood of the lamb covers the first born of Israel whom GOD DRAWS OUT.
- At which point, Pharaoh has had enough and says, “Fine, Israel. Go serve your God! Get out of here!” So God lead them through the wilderness and into the Red Sea…
Now, at this point I can’t help but wonder if Moses thought, “Huh, this feels oddly familiar. I sure hope God draws me out of this water…”
- So the water parts, and as the Egyptians are swallowed up and killed, GOD DRAWS ISRAEL OUT OF THE WATER!
We could keep going, and going, and going… Instead let’s skip toward the end, back to Revelation 18:4, at which point we have Babylon, engulfed in wickedness, unbelief, and idolatry and God DRAWS OUT HIS PEOPLE! “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive of her plagues…”
This command has been said in many other ways throughout the Scriptures. “Set your mind on the things above”. “Come out of her my people.” “Do not be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.” “Come out of her my people.” “Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy.” “Come out of her my people.” “Put no other gods before me.” “Come out of her my people.” There is a foundation that under girds these commands. That foundation is seen in God’s words to John in Revelation, to Moses in Exodus, and to all of His children throughout redemptive history. “I AM GOD. YOU ARE MY PEOPLE. WORSHIP ME AND SERVE ME.”
This last week I had the privilege of teaching both the youth and the adults on Wednesday Night. We took a look at God’s “Redemptive History”. That is a phrase I heard a lot growing up, but never really understood what it meant. I think that a good definition is “the history of God redeeming a people, for Himself, by calling them out of unrighteousness and making them righteous”. The result is a redemptive pattern…which we looked at by comparing the Exodus plagues with the Revelation imagery of God’s 7 Bowls of Wrath being poured out. There are SO MANY amazing parallels, by which God seems to communicate to His people, “I am drawing you out.” “Come out of her, my people”.
In my preparation for this lesson I ran across something that I am almost embarrassed to admit I have always overlooked. Moses’ name in the Hebrew means “draw out”!!! How in the world, in all of my studies, in all of my teaching, did I not pay attention to how huge that was?! As I considered this I began to see this redemptive pattern in Moses’ life that is indicative of the same pattern seen in the lives of all of God’s children.
Moses was…by the hand of God…
- Born to a Levite woman under Egyptian oppression and ordered to be killed. GOD DREW HIM OUT.
- And as a baby he was placed into a basket and put into a river. GOD DREW HIM OUT.
- At which point he was given the name Moses’. Which means DRAW OUT.
- Moses was placed into the Egyptian family! GOD DREW HIM OUT.
- And as God dealt with Israel and Moses, He remembered His covenant with Abraham. Abraham and his wife Sarah were older than dirt, unable to “father many nations”. And as they were laughing about the idea of it GOD DREW THEM OUT and blessed them with a child, Isaac.
- Who was later ordered to be sacrificed (that is killed) but, you guessed it. GOD DREW HIM OUT.
But getting back to Moses…
- After being drawn out of the Egyptian family, Moses was appointed by God, from a bush that wouldn’t burn, to take the lead as GOD DREW ISRAEL OUT OF THE OPPRESSION FROM EGYPT.
- So then came the horrible plagues, at which time the Israelites are DRAWN OUT BY GOD TO THE LAND OF GOSHEN.
- And not only the Israelite people, but even their livestock are DRAWN OUT BY GOD FROM AMONG THE LIVESTOCK OF EGYPT.
- And at the final plague of the Passover, when the angel of death will wipe out each of the first born, the sacrificed blood of the lamb covers the first born of Israel whom GOD DRAWS OUT.
- At which point, Pharaoh has had enough and says, “Fine, Israel. Go serve your God! Get out of here!” So God lead them through the wilderness and into the Red Sea…
Now, at this point I can’t help but wonder if Moses thought, “Huh, this feels oddly familiar. I sure hope God draws me out of this water…”
- So the water parts, and as the Egyptians are swallowed up and killed, GOD DRAWS ISRAEL OUT OF THE WATER!
We could keep going, and going, and going… Instead let’s skip toward the end, back to Revelation 18:4, at which point we have Babylon, engulfed in wickedness, unbelief, and idolatry and God DRAWS OUT HIS PEOPLE! “Come out of her, my people, so that you will not participate in her sins and receive of her plagues…”
This command has been said in many other ways throughout the Scriptures. “Set your mind on the things above”. “Come out of her my people.” “Do not be conformed to the world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.” “Come out of her my people.” “Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy.” “Come out of her my people.” “Put no other gods before me.” “Come out of her my people.” There is a foundation that under girds these commands. That foundation is seen in God’s words to John in Revelation, to Moses in Exodus, and to all of His children throughout redemptive history. “I AM GOD. YOU ARE MY PEOPLE. WORSHIP ME AND SERVE ME.”
Friday, October 12, 2007
James 1 & 3. Wisdom
I meet with a few guys each week for discipleship. Getting to walk with them and grow with them and serve with them is a huge privilege. We really hope to grow in wisdom as we study the scriptures and challenge each other. However, since I am still in my twenties and they are still in their teens, we don’t have the benefit of many years under our belts. So, James has been very encouraging to us as it has revealed that true wisdom comes from above.
We asked the question, “What does wisdom guard against and what does wisdom lead to?” We concluded that wisdom guards against foolish thoughts and considerations and leads to fruitful obedience. Wisdom is something that happens in the mind to purify the thought before it connects to the heart. Then a person’s members are presented as instruments of righteousness. Without wisdom the thought would not be purified before it connects to the heart, so the members would then be presented as instruments of unrighteousness. So, in a sense, wisdom is like a built-in purification system. Furthermore, true wisdom cannot exist outside of faith, which cannot exist unrighteously. Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes (Romans 10). So Jesus Christ IS MY RIGHTEOUSNESS. Therefore, if I doubtlessly expect a generous measure of wisdom I MUST cling to Christ.
We asked the question, “What does wisdom guard against and what does wisdom lead to?” We concluded that wisdom guards against foolish thoughts and considerations and leads to fruitful obedience. Wisdom is something that happens in the mind to purify the thought before it connects to the heart. Then a person’s members are presented as instruments of righteousness. Without wisdom the thought would not be purified before it connects to the heart, so the members would then be presented as instruments of unrighteousness. So, in a sense, wisdom is like a built-in purification system. Furthermore, true wisdom cannot exist outside of faith, which cannot exist unrighteously. Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes (Romans 10). So Jesus Christ IS MY RIGHTEOUSNESS. Therefore, if I doubtlessly expect a generous measure of wisdom I MUST cling to Christ.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Genesis 3 - The Devil Made Me Do It Pt. 3
Read Genesis 3. Consider the consequences of our sin.
Part of the consequences of our sin is that enmity now exists between the children of God and the children of the Enemy. Everybody falls into 1 of those 2 categories. But our problem/blessing is that we do not ultimately know who's who. Because of this the children of God should focus on Christ and be prepared to make a defense for the reason that we believe what we believe. (1 Peter 3:8-17). When opposition arises, prepared people don't run. Rather, they stand firm while humbly, gently, respectfully defending their Hope. We are not called to arrogantly rip someone's head off who believes differently, and then high-five each other.
Another consequence is that we now have the ability to decide for ourselves what is right and wrong. But that doesn't mean that we have the ability to make good decisions. And it definitely doesn't make us God. Instead, this ability causes us to cling to God, knowing that we will otherwise make decisions like fallen fools. I encourage you to believe God's words that He breathed through James. When you lack wisdom in your decision making, ask God who gives generously and without reproach. God is not disappointed that you don't already have the wisdom that you need. He is disappointed if you fail to go to Him for the wisdom that you need. This wisdom from above will result in purity and fruitfulness (James 3) that is pleasing and glorifying to God.
Part of the consequences of our sin is that enmity now exists between the children of God and the children of the Enemy. Everybody falls into 1 of those 2 categories. But our problem/blessing is that we do not ultimately know who's who. Because of this the children of God should focus on Christ and be prepared to make a defense for the reason that we believe what we believe. (1 Peter 3:8-17). When opposition arises, prepared people don't run. Rather, they stand firm while humbly, gently, respectfully defending their Hope. We are not called to arrogantly rip someone's head off who believes differently, and then high-five each other.
Another consequence is that we now have the ability to decide for ourselves what is right and wrong. But that doesn't mean that we have the ability to make good decisions. And it definitely doesn't make us God. Instead, this ability causes us to cling to God, knowing that we will otherwise make decisions like fallen fools. I encourage you to believe God's words that He breathed through James. When you lack wisdom in your decision making, ask God who gives generously and without reproach. God is not disappointed that you don't already have the wisdom that you need. He is disappointed if you fail to go to Him for the wisdom that you need. This wisdom from above will result in purity and fruitfulness (James 3) that is pleasing and glorifying to God.
Genesis 3 - The Devil Made Me Do It Pt. 2
Read Genesis 3. Consider how the motives behind Adam's actions changed after he sinned.
Actions motivated by fear, anger, prosperity, hate, works, and/or self-pity are NOT motivated by faith and so CANNOT please God. Romans 14 tells us that whatever does not proceed from faith is sin. Because of this we must keep careful watch on the motives from which our actions proceed. "THE WALK OF FAITH MUST BE DRIVEN BY A DESIRE FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS". (Thank you Bruck Waltke for that statement). All of these other things do not achieve the righteousness that God requires. Rather they produce the fruit of unbelief, which is the opposite of faith. But we must also know that we cannot achieve righteousness on our own. We must cling to Christ! Romans 10 says that Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes. Christ is our righteousness! So as we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit, so as to produce the fruit of the Spirit and glorify God in the faith we live by.
Actions motivated by fear, anger, prosperity, hate, works, and/or self-pity are NOT motivated by faith and so CANNOT please God. Romans 14 tells us that whatever does not proceed from faith is sin. Because of this we must keep careful watch on the motives from which our actions proceed. "THE WALK OF FAITH MUST BE DRIVEN BY A DESIRE FOR RIGHTEOUSNESS". (Thank you Bruck Waltke for that statement). All of these other things do not achieve the righteousness that God requires. Rather they produce the fruit of unbelief, which is the opposite of faith. But we must also know that we cannot achieve righteousness on our own. We must cling to Christ! Romans 10 says that Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes. Christ is our righteousness! So as we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit, so as to produce the fruit of the Spirit and glorify God in the faith we live by.
Genesis 3 - The Devil Made Me Do It Pt.1
Read Genesis 3.
Hopefully you see the humor/"non-humor" that "the devil made me do it" is not an excuse that God welcomes as sufficient...
So it turns out that having our eyes opened to evil isn't such a great thing. Rather than being made to be like God, we know an evil that desires to consume us. Our minds are now open to an evil that (Romans 12 tells us) wants to conform us to its ways. "Pursue worldly pursuits". "What God has provided is not enough". "There is greater joy outside of God's ways". These are all thoughts and temptations that we face every day. 2 Corinthians 4 tells us that the god of this world is Satan. And each of these are lies from the Father of Lies. In verse 7, Adam and Eve make their own attempt at righteousness. What they should have done was cry out to God.
On this side of the cross we know that Satan has been disarmed and is powerless. This is why his biggest tool of use is deceit. He has no power to make you sin and die. So he just lies. But he lies in the most deceiving and appealing way that you could ever imagine. And he is smarter than you. But, the power belongs to Jesus Christ, who is seated at the right hand of God. For you, this dynamic means that you should cliing to Christ! Set your minds and your eyes on the things above. Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven. Keep yourself unstained from this world. And praise God as He keeps you and guides you.
Hopefully you see the humor/"non-humor" that "the devil made me do it" is not an excuse that God welcomes as sufficient...
So it turns out that having our eyes opened to evil isn't such a great thing. Rather than being made to be like God, we know an evil that desires to consume us. Our minds are now open to an evil that (Romans 12 tells us) wants to conform us to its ways. "Pursue worldly pursuits". "What God has provided is not enough". "There is greater joy outside of God's ways". These are all thoughts and temptations that we face every day. 2 Corinthians 4 tells us that the god of this world is Satan. And each of these are lies from the Father of Lies. In verse 7, Adam and Eve make their own attempt at righteousness. What they should have done was cry out to God.
On this side of the cross we know that Satan has been disarmed and is powerless. This is why his biggest tool of use is deceit. He has no power to make you sin and die. So he just lies. But he lies in the most deceiving and appealing way that you could ever imagine. And he is smarter than you. But, the power belongs to Jesus Christ, who is seated at the right hand of God. For you, this dynamic means that you should cliing to Christ! Set your minds and your eyes on the things above. Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven. Keep yourself unstained from this world. And praise God as He keeps you and guides you.
Genesis 2 - Man & Woman, Marriage
You are the most like God created you to be when you are working with each other, helping one another, naked (authentic) before God and each other. Marriage is just a snapshot of a much bigger, beautiful picture. As you study these things, as you parent, as you walk with your spouse, remember that you were created for God's glory. The differences between you are for the purpose of His glory. The completeness that you feel and experience with each other is not something that stops with you, rather it is for God's glory. I encourage you to properly represent this truth by putting God's glory on display in your marriage, parenting, and other relationships as you obediently live according to God' design.
Genesis 2:4-17 Another Look @ Man and Woman
As Adam lay lifeless, never having experienced life, God breathed life into His nostrils, establishing man’s place as humbly created by a Sovereign Creator. As the nations lay lifeless, unable to experience life because of sin, God breathed life into their nostrils by sending His Son, Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. We may think it obvious that without God, Adam had no chance of making the transformation from dust to life. But we, in our sin, are in an even more desolate and hopeless situation than Adam. Rather than just ceasing to exist, in our sin we exist as enemies of God, fully deserving of the wrath that He pours out on unrighteousness, because unrighteousness suppresses the truth. But Christ, our perfect Righteousness, bore that wrath fully on the cross. Christ, the perfect Truth, gives us a hope of eternal glory as He shares with us… “And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and will take you to myself, that where I am you may be also.” Let this humble us. Let this create in us a great passion to whole-heartedly seek to put on display that beauty and glory of our Sovereign Creator.
Genesis 2:8-17 Men and Women of God
Consider what God is communicating to you in these verses. Picture God saying to you, “I have placed you where I want you. Nothing is out of my control. I am the Creator. And while you are where I have you, I have a design for the way you should live. Bear my image, working and keeping the garden I have you in. Be fruitful. And remember, if you choose another way, you will surely die…”
I urge you to continue to set your mind on the truth that God is a sovereign Creator that has Lordship, dominion, and ownership. And as one who is owned by God, you are not called to just make it up as you go. Rather, God has designed you to be diligent and hard-working as you guard that which He has entrusted to you. Live according to God’s design, for that is the only way that you will fulfill the purpose He created you for, which is His glory.
I urge you to continue to set your mind on the truth that God is a sovereign Creator that has Lordship, dominion, and ownership. And as one who is owned by God, you are not called to just make it up as you go. Rather, God has designed you to be diligent and hard-working as you guard that which He has entrusted to you. Live according to God’s design, for that is the only way that you will fulfill the purpose He created you for, which is His glory.
Genesis 1:26-31 Image Bearers
You and everybody else were originally created, as part of mankind, to be image-bearers of God, made in His likeness. While society places value on people in many man-made ways, Christians should value people because of the way they were originally created. And because sin causes us to fall away from looking like God, we (believers, in Christ), should pursue holiness and seek to put God’s glory on display, living according to our created purpose as image-bearers of God. And we should love people enough to tell them their created purpose, explain how sin separates them from God and leads into great confusion, and how perfect reconciliation and redemption is found in Christ Jesus alone. And we should be extremely humbled in knowing that we can bear the image of God only by the grace extended to us undeservedly, by His hand, in Christ Jesus.
Thank You God!
Thank You God!
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
What is this ROM12Records Blog?
So one might ask the question that is at the title of this blog. Well, ROM12 is representative of a part of the Bible that has had a huge impact on my life. Romans 12:1-2 says, "I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."
What was revealed to me as I read these verses was that I have a created purpose, the same as every other Christian. Our created purpose is to glorify God in all that we do. If our aim is not to glorify God with every action and every word, then we are living outside of our created purpose! These words, breathed out by God, impact everything. So ROM12Records are sort of an account (or record) of the journey as we seek to glorify God with a life of worship.
As a worship and youth minister, these verses gave new meaning to what I am called to as a minister. When most people think of a worship minister they think of a guy who sings on Sunday Mornings, often called the "Music Guy". What this verse showed me was that everything in the life of a believer is supposed to be worship. So worship is not limited to a 25 minute set of songs on Sunday Morning. It is a life surrendered to God, for His glory. And a worship minister needs to do all that he/she can to equip the worshippers to live a life of glory for God...not just sing pretty.
If we are not renewed by the transforming of our minds in the study of scripture, we will be conformed to the ways of this world! And it is by God's grace that we are enabled to live for His glory. So let us beg for grace and mercy, that we might endure and persevere, setting our minds on the things above, so that we are not blinded by this world, to the glory of God.
And so begins ROM12Records...
What was revealed to me as I read these verses was that I have a created purpose, the same as every other Christian. Our created purpose is to glorify God in all that we do. If our aim is not to glorify God with every action and every word, then we are living outside of our created purpose! These words, breathed out by God, impact everything. So ROM12Records are sort of an account (or record) of the journey as we seek to glorify God with a life of worship.
As a worship and youth minister, these verses gave new meaning to what I am called to as a minister. When most people think of a worship minister they think of a guy who sings on Sunday Mornings, often called the "Music Guy". What this verse showed me was that everything in the life of a believer is supposed to be worship. So worship is not limited to a 25 minute set of songs on Sunday Morning. It is a life surrendered to God, for His glory. And a worship minister needs to do all that he/she can to equip the worshippers to live a life of glory for God...not just sing pretty.
If we are not renewed by the transforming of our minds in the study of scripture, we will be conformed to the ways of this world! And it is by God's grace that we are enabled to live for His glory. So let us beg for grace and mercy, that we might endure and persevere, setting our minds on the things above, so that we are not blinded by this world, to the glory of God.
And so begins ROM12Records...
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